





◼︎開催日時:2022年11月17日(木) 18:30〜19:15
◼︎開催場所:オンライン開催 (ビデオ会議ツール「Zoom」)
◼︎登壇者:①|谷口パートナーズ国際会計・税務事務所 代表

     ②眞野ナオミ|株式会社ラグジュリーク 代表取締役社長





on Thursday, November 17, 2022

Furusato Japan (www.furusato-japan.com), Japan’s only English-language Furusato Nozei platform, launched on October 1st, 2022. The site specialises in providing exclusive local experiences as Return Gifts for those who prepay their residential and income taxes through the site. Gifts offered include pottery lessons with a Living National Treasure in Arita and skiing lessons from an Olympian in Kutchan. To help foreigners navigate this tax benefit, Furusato Japan is hosting a free Zoom webinar.

<Event schedule>

The webinar will cover the basics of Furusato Nozei, with expert advice from Ikuo Taniguchi, Managing Partner of Taniguchi Partners International Accounting & Tax Office.

◼︎DATE: Thursday, November 17, 2022
◼︎TIME: 18:30-19:15 JST
◼︎PLACE: Online (Zoom)
◼︎SIGN UP: https://www.furusato-japan.com/others/webinar

The webinar will outline:•What is Furusato Nozei and are you eligible?
 •What are the benefits?
 •Expert advice about how to calculate your donation
 •An introduction to Furusato Japan, the only English-language Furusato Nozei platform
 •An opportunity to ask all your Furusato Nozei questions


Ikuo Taniguchi
Ikuo Taniguchi is a Managing Partner at Taniguchi Partners International Accounting & Tax Office where he provides tax advisory services to both Japanese and English speakers. The Cornell University graduate started his career at PricewaterhouseCoopers and Credit Suisse Securities before setting up Taniguchi Partners in 2012.

Naomi Mano
Naomi Mano is the President and CEO at Luxurique Inc, a luxury hospitality, event management and consulting firm. A US-born Japanese national, Naomi has been in the marketing, branding, and hospitality industry for over 25 years. With her expertise in providing consulting advisory services to Japanese NPOs, City Governments, traditional venues and cultural artists, she recently launched Furusato Japan, a bilingual platform that supports foreign residents in Japan who want to contribute to the Furusato Nozei tax system.

<About Furusato Japan>
Furusato Japan is a platform that supports the government’s Furusato Nozei hometown tax system. Through this platform, you can “donate” a portion of your tax payments to your choice of local governments across Japan and receive a Return Gift as thanks. In contrast to similar platforms, Furusato Japan provides an English language option to support foreigners in benefitting from and contributing to the programme. The site offers meaningful Return Gifts in the form of exclusive experiences for them to include in their catalogues.
Through Furusato Japan, you can further immerse yourself in your adopted home while contributing to the continued preservation of its hidden cultural treasures. 
Website: https://furusato-japan.com
