観光体験プログラム「OKUTRIP KYOTO」に新プログラムが登場
詳細 https://www.keihanhotels-resorts.co.jp/the-thousand-kyoto/okutrip/healing/kodaiji.html
衣装は、和装を中心に京都で婚礼衣装を展開する「お衣裳さわらぎ」が手掛ける着物レンタルショップ「Kimono Agaru Kyoto(キモノ アガル キョウト)」の厳選されたラインアップからお選びいただけます。ポートレート撮影では、プロカメラマンと着付スタッフが同行し、高台寺の美しい境内で過ごすひとときをおすすめルートに沿って45分間撮影いたします。さらに、高台寺境内の茶寮・「雲居庵(うんごあん)」のお抹茶引換券(おひとり様1杯)をプレゼントするほか、散策後にゆったりとお疲れを癒していただけるよう、THE THOUSAND SPAの温浴を無料でご利用いただけます。
奥深い京都の魅力に触れる「OKUTRIP KYOTO」。新たに加わった本プログラムでは、着物での高台寺散策を通じ、受け継がれる日本の美意識に触れていただけます。
<OKUTRIP KYOTO>高台寺・非公開の大玄関や境内での着物ロケーションポートレート撮影
※2日前までに要予約 ※行事日などによる休止日あり
※オプションや人数により前後する場合があります ※最終受付15時

~13:00 |
お客様ご自身で Kimono Agaru Kyoto店舗へご移動 |
13:00 |
Kimono Agaru Kyoto店舗内で着付け |
14:00頃 |
高台寺の非公開の大玄関で撮影 おすすめルートに沿って境内を散策しながら写真撮影 |
14:45頃 |
現地解散 引き続き雲居庵でのお抹茶や、着物での京都観光をお楽しみください |
【定員】1グループ 1~4名様まで ※本プランは13歳未満のお客様はご利用いただけません。
【料金】51,000円 (1名様あたり)※消費税込
【場所】高台寺 (〒605-0825 京都市東山区高台寺下河原町526番地)
※画像は全てイメージです。イメージ画像の著作権はKimono Agaru Kyotoに帰属します。
Kimono Agaru Kyoto
運営:株式会社さわらぎ (本社:京都市東山区)
「Kimono Agaru kyoto」は、京都で40年以上にわたり結婚式や人生儀礼のハレの日の衣裳を提供してきた衣装店「お衣裳さわらぎ」が新たにお届けするレンタル着物店です。Agaruには、着物を着ることで気持ちが上がる、人生のステージが上がるという思いが込められています。大切な日の衣装選びや、普段着物をお召しになられないお客様にも、着物を楽しんでいただけるお手伝いをいたします。また、「Kimono Agaru kyoto」をプロデュースする「お衣裳さわらぎ」は「高台寺狐の嫁入り」で衣裳・美容協力を行っています。
ホテルスタッフが1,000kmを超える街歩きを経て発掘した京都の魅力を提案する宿泊者向けの<観光体験プログラム>。京都の神社仏閣や伝統工芸とコラボレーションし、一人ひとりのご要望に合わせた“京都の奥深さ”を体感できる「OKUTRIP KYOTO」ならではの体験コンテンツで独自の体験をご提供しています。
京都駅から徒歩約2分。THE THOUSAND KYOTOは、「千年ホテル」をコンセプトに“千年の都・京都”から“次の千年”につづく新しい心地よさで、快適さとサステナビリティを追求した感動体験をお届けしています。
2024年1月に開業5周年を迎えたことを記念し、「five senses」をテーマに、THE THOUSAND KYOTOらしい五感を通じたおもてなしをご用意しています。ロゴマークには、ホテルの象徴である大階段をデザイン。初心を忘れず、お客様へ日頃の感謝をお伝えするとともに、人・社会・未来に心地よい“サステナブル・コンフォート・ホテル”として一段一段、進化してまいります。
▶THE THOUSAND KYOTOのサステナビリティの取り組みについてはこちら
【所在地】 〒600-8216京都市下京区東塩小路町570番
【アクセス】 JR京都駅より東へ徒歩約2分
【開業日】 2019年1月29日
【階数】 地下1F~地上9F (客室:3F~9F/ 222室)
【公式HP】 https://www.keihanhotels-resorts.co.jp/the-thousand-kyoto/
Stroll around Kodaiji, the Temple of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Nene, in a Kimono
Portrait Photo on Location at the Hidden Grand Entrance and Temple Grounds
A New Addition to Our OKUTRIP KYOTO Tourism Experience Program
The Keihan Group’s flagship hotel, THE THOUSAND KYOTO (Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto City; Miwa Sakurai, General Manager), starts accepting bookings today for our new program – location portrait photography at Kodaiji Temple’s Hidden Grand Entrance and precincts – for OKUTRIP KYOTO, an exclusive program inviting hotel guests into the depths of Kyoto. At Kodaiji, known as the temple of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and his wife Nene, we shoot your portrait on location as you take a stroll in an elegant visiting dress kimono or haori and hakama around the grand entrance and temple grounds, which are normally closed to the public.
Choose your costume from a careful selection by Kimono Agaru Kyoto, a kimono rental shop run by Oisho Sawaragi, which sells mainly Japanese wedding outfits in Kyoto. For the portrait photography, a professional photographer and dressing staff accompany you along a recommended route for 45 minutes to take photos on the beautiful grounds of Kodaiji Temple. The program also includes a matcha tea voucher (one cup per participant) for use at the Ungoan tea room at Kodaiji Temple and a complimentary hot bath at THE THOUSAND SPA to soothe your fatigue after your stroll.
OKUTRIP KYOTO provides an experience into the deeper parts of Kyoto. With our newly added program, you can walk around Kodaiji Temple in a kimono to appreciate Japanese aestheticism that has been inherited through the generations.
< OKUTRIP KYOTO > Kodaiji Temple Kimono Portrait Photography on Location at a Hidden Grand Entrance and Precincts
[Dates]From March 28 (Thursday), 2024 *Book by two days before
*May be unavailable on some days for temple events
[Contents]– Get dressed in a kimono (Rental visiting kimono/haori and hakama, return at the hotel the following day)
– Portrait photo shoot at Kodaiji Temple’s non-public Daigenkan grand entrance and temple grounds (about 45 minutes, about 50 shots)
– Ticket for matcha tea at Ungoan (one cup per participant)
– Use of THE THOUSAND SPA hot bathing facility
[Time]About two hours (including dressing up and photo shoot) The time required may vary depending on the options and number of guests.
*Final reception is 3 p.m.
[Sample Schedule]
By 1:00 p.m. |
Arrive at Kimono Agaru Kyoto on your own |
1:00 p.m. |
Get dressed at Kimono Agaru Kyoto |
Around 2:00 p.m |
Photo shoot at Kodaiji’s non-public Oogenkan grand entrance Photo shoot while strolling along the recommended route |
Around 2:45 p.m |
End program on location You can keep your kimono and hakama on as you enjoy matcha green tea at Ungoan and sightseeing around Kyoto. |
One group from one to four participants
*This program is not available for guests under 13 years of age.
[Fee]51,000 yen per guest *Tax inclusive
[Details] https://www.keihanhotels-resorts.co.jp/the-thousand-kyoto/okutrip/healing/kodaiji.html[Location]
Kodaiji Temple (526 Shimogawara-cho Kodaiji, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto City 605-0825)
*The program will be held even in light rain.
*The photo data will be handed over on a later date. No photos will be taken by the cameraman at the Hojo Main Hall in consideration of temple visitors.
*Hair styling is offered as an option.
*Transportation expenses are not included in the price.
*OKUTRIP KYOTO is an activity exclusively offered to THE THOUSAND KYOTO hotel guests.
*All images are for illustrative purposes only. Copyrights of images belong to Kimono Agaru Kyoto.
Kodaiji Temple
A Zen temple of the Rinzai School Kenninji Sect of Buddhism that was established in 1606 by Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s legal wife, Kita-no-Mandokoro, or Nene, in memory of her late husband, Kodaiji Temple has buildings designated as important cultural properties of Japan that still retain their original appearance from the time of their construction in the Momoyama period, including Kangetsudai (Moon View Pavilion) relocated from Fushimi Castle and Otamaya, which houses Nene’s grave and is famous for elegant Kodaiji Makie, a technique of sprinkling gold or silver powder on lacquer. The temple is also popular as one of Kyoto’s best spots for viewing autumn leaves and cherry blossoms. Many events are held, including special evening viewings in spring and summer, as well as special Kodaiji tea parties.
Kimono Agaru Kyoto
Kimono Agaru Kyoto is a new kimono rental shop opened by Oisho Sawaragi, a costume shop in Kyoto that has been providing outfits for weddings and other special occasions in Kyoto for over 40 years. Agaru, which means “going up” expresses the idea that wearing a kimono lifts your spirits and elevates your stage in life. We help you pick out an outfit for your big day and enjoy wearing a kimono even if you do not normally wear one. Oisho Sawaragi, which produces Kimono Agaru Kyoto, also provides costume and cosmetic assistance for the Kodaiji Fox Wedding procession.
570 Higashi Shiokoji-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto City 600-8216
[Access]About 2 minutes on foot east from JR Kyoto Station
[Website] https://www.keihanhotels-resorts.co.jp/the-thousand-kyoto/en/