


2025年1月4日、東京、日本 –

SAMURAI NINJA MUSEUM TOKYO with Experienceは、Visit Japan Labの訪日観光地ランキングで日本で2番目に多く訪問されている観光地であることに基づき、今回の新たな調査結果を発表しました。











調査の著者であり、SAMURAI NINJA MUSEUM TOKYO with ExperienceのディレクターであるAdam Acar博士は次のように述べています。





  • 参加者の6%が「使った」と回答

  • AIを使っている主な層は若い男性で、全体の平均年齢(35歳)をかなり下回る

  • 女性や40歳以上の旅行者(旅行計画で重要な決定をすることが多い層)はAIをあまり使っておらず、引き続きGoogle検索やYouTubeが旅行の決定に大きな影響を与えている



  • Google/YouTube検索を最も影響力があるツールとして約70%の参加者が選択

  • 次に、ソーシャルメディアでの検索が続き、友人や家族からのおすすめよりも影響を与えている

  • AIツールはわずか2%が最も影響力があると回答


3. 旅行者はAI生成のソーシャルメディアコンテンツに抵抗感がない





この調査は、2024年12月の第3週および第4週に、東京の浅草にあるSAMURAI NINJA MUSEUM TOKYO with Experienceのチケットを購入した159人の外国人旅行者に対して、対面で行われました。






SAMURAI NINJA MUSEUM TOKYO with Experienceは、東京の歴史的な浅草地区と京都にあり、Visit Japan Labの訪日観光地ランキングで日本で2番目に多く訪問されている観光地です。日本の豊かな武道遺産を体験できる場所で、従来の博物館とは異なり、インタラクティブな体験を通じて、サムライや忍者の歴史に直接触れることができます。また、博物館は「着物茶道体験のMAIKOYA」と提携しており、さらに豊かな文化体験を提供しています。


Travelers Stick with Google, But Embrace AI-Generated Social Media, New Study Reveals


Travelers Stick with Google, But Embrace AI-Generated Social Media, New Study Reveals

Tokyo, Japan – January 4, 2025 – A new study by the Samurai Ninja Museum, Japan’s second most visited destination according to Visit Japan Lab’s inbound ranking, reveals that AI adoption for travel planning remains limited. Google remains the dominant force in travel planning, but travelers are surprisingly open to AI-generated content on social media. The recent survey of foreign tourists in Tokyo found that while a mere 6% used AI platforms like ChatGPT for trip planning only 2% relied on them as their main decision-making resource. Meanwhile, an overwhelming 82% of participants expressed either neutrality or positivity towards the use of AI-generated human characters in social media travel content.

Samurai Ninja Museum Tokyo staff members, dressed as ninjas, in front of the Sengoku Period Timeline of Japan.

Key Findings:

Google Still Reigns Supreme: Over two-thirds of respondents cited Google/YouTube as having the highest impact on their travel planning, surpassing social media and personal recommendations. 

AI for Travel Planning? Not So Much: Only 6% of travelers reported using AI tools during their travel planning, but a mere 2% considered AI platforms their primary decision-making resource. Interestingly, AI use was largely concentrated among younger male travelers, suggesting limited adoption among key demographics like female travelers and those over 40. 

AI-Generated Social Media Content Gets a Thumbs Up: Contrary to some previous research, travelers expressed a positive or neutral view of AI-generated human characters in travel content, with 26% saying it would actually increase their interest. 

“These findings highlight Google’s continued dominance in travel planning,” says Adam Acar, PhD, author of the study and Director of the Samurai Ninja Museum. “Although AI usage has certainly grown over the past year, we expected more than just 6% of travelers—predominantly younger males—to report using AI tools during their trip planning.”

Dr. Acar adds, “However, the study also reveals an intriguing insight: travelers are largely open to engaging with AI-generated content, especially on social media platforms. This opens up exciting possibilities for travel companies to innovate and forge deeper connections with their audiences through creative AI-driven strategies.”

Key Findings:

1. Limited Adoption of AI in Travel Planning
When asked whether they used any AI platforms (e.g., ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude) during their travel planning:

Only 6% of participants answered “yes.”

Most AI users were younger males, with an average age significantly below the survey group’s average of 35.

Since women and older travelers (40+)—typically the primary decision-makers in travel planning—were less represented among AI users, Google Search and YouTube seem to remain firmly dominant in influencing travel decisions.

2. Google and YouTube Dominate Travel Research
When asked about the most impactful tool for travel planning, participants chose from five pre-determined options:

Google/YouTube Search emerged as the clear leader indicated by almost 70% of the participants.

Social Media Search followed, surpassing recommendations from friends and family.

Only 2% reported AI tools as having the highest impact on their planning.

This reinforces the continued reliance on traditional search engines and highlights the growing influence of social media platforms.

3. Travelers Are Comfortable with AI-Generated Social Media Content
When asked how they would feel about AI-generated human characters being featured in social media updates:

56% of travelers said they would not care whether the social media content they are exposed to features an AI generated character not a real human.

A surprising 26% indicated they would actually pay more attention to such content.

This finding contrasts with previous studies suggesting general skepticism towards AI-generated online content, highlighting a shift in traveler attitudes towards AI in social media storytelling.

About the Study:

This survey was conducted face-to-face with 159 foreign travelers who had purchased tickets to an experience-based museum in Asakusa, Tokyo. The survey was carried out during the third and fourth weeks of December 2024 using convenience sampling within the museum. The participants included:

60% males

An average age of 35

Despite the limitations of small sample size, the survey offers valuable insights into current trends in travel planning behavior and perceptions of AI technology.

About Samurai Ninja Museum:

The Samurai Ninja Museum, with locations in Tokyo’s historic Asakusa district and Kyoto, is the 2nd most visited tourist attraction in Japan according to Visit Japan Lab. It offers an immersive exploration of Japan’s rich martial heritage. Unlike traditional museums, the venue provides interactive experiences, allowing visitors to engage directly with samurai and ninja history. The museum is affiliated with Kimono Tea Ceremony Maikoya, further enriching its cultural offerings.

For more information, please contact: info@mai-ko.com
