左から 谷口パートナーズ国際会計・税務事務所 代表 谷口郁夫氏、ラグジュリーク 代表取締役社長、眞野ナオミ
◼︎タイトル:第二回 在留外国人向け「はじめてのふるさと納税セミナー」
◼︎開催日時:2022年12月13日(火) 18:30〜19:15
◼︎開催場所:オンライン開催 (ビデオ会議ツール「Zoom」)
・谷口パートナーズ国際会計・税務事務所 代表
・眞野ナオミ|株式会社ラグジュリーク 代表取締役社長
Due to the popularity of the first event, Furusato Japan will host a second Furusato Nozei for Foreigners in Japan webinar.(Held on December 13, 2022, at 18:30 via Zoom)
Furusato Japan by Luxurique (Head office: Minami-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo; President: Naomi Mano) will host a second “Furusato Nozei for Foreigners in Japan” webinar on Tuesday, December 13, 2022, for foreign residents who pay taxes in Japan.
The first Furusato Nozei for Foreigners in Japan webinar was exceptionally well received. More than 200 people watched and many expressed their gratitude for this free resource. The webinar outlined introduced Furusato Japan, the only English-language Furusato Nozei platform, and answered participants’ questions about the Furusato Nozei tax system. As the end-of-year Furusato Nozei deadline approaches, this second session is another opportunity to ask an English-speaking tax specialist about the process and how to participate.
◼︎Title:Furusato Nozei for Foreigners in Japan webinar
◼︎Date and Time:Tuesday, December 13, 2022, 18:30-19:15
◼︎Location:Online, via Zoom
URL and password will be sent to you after registration.
◼︎Registration URL:https://www.furusato-japan.com/others/webinar
◼︎Participation fee: Free of charge (Pre-registration required)
・What is Furusato Tax?
・How to calculate the amount of donation
・Introduction of Furusato Japan, the only English version of Furusato Japan in Japan
・Q&A session
◼︎Attendees: Foreign residents in Japan
・Ikuo Taniguchi, Managing Partner, Taniguchi Partners International Accounting & Tax Office
・Naomi Mano, President and CEO, Luxurique Inc.
About Furusato Japan
Furusato Japan is a platform that supports the government’s Furusato Nozei hometown tax system. Through this platform, you can “donate” a portion of your tax payments to your choice of local governments across Japan and receive a Return Gift as thanks. In contrast to similar platforms, Furusato Japan provides an English language option to support foreigners in benefitting from and contributing to the programme. The site offers meaningful Return Gifts in the form of exclusive experiences for them to include in their catalogues. Through Furusato Japan, you can further immerse yourself in your adopted home while contributing to the continued preservation of its hidden cultural treasures.
Website: https://furusato-japan.com