幻の杉田梅林 賑い復興を願う「第3回杉田梅まつり」 横浜市磯子区杉田の妙法寺で開催!

合同会社 横浜旬・菜・果のプレスリリース

幻の杉田梅林 賑い復興“梅のまち杉田”実行委員会(会長:ぷらむろーど杉田商店会長 上田祥廉)は、2024年2月17日(土)~18日(日)の2日間、横浜市磯子区杉田の牛頭山妙法寺で、「第3回杉田梅まつり」を開催いたします。


 また、日米友好の立役者で、ワシントンD.C.に桜を寄贈したエリザ・シドモア女史の著書「JINRIKISHA DAY IN JAPAN(日本・人力車旅情)/1890年米・英で出版」にも、当時の妙法寺の観梅の様子が広く紹介されています。









【日 時】2024年2月17日(土)~18日(日)2日間







5.牛頭山 山頂の浮世絵で描かれた眺望スポット


【メイン会場】牛頭山 妙法寺:神奈川県横浜市磯子区杉田5-3-15 

【アクセス】京急線 杉田駅・JR新杉田駅から徒歩10分






◆訪日・在日外国人むけの「YOKOHAMA 杉田梅まつりプレミアムガイドツアー」

【日 時】2024年2月17日(土)~18日(日)2日間















◆主催:幻の杉田梅林 賑い復興 “梅のまち杉田”実行委員会

(会長)上田 祥廉(ぷらむろーど杉田商店街会長)

(副会長)松本 慈恵(牛頭山 妙法寺 住職)・市原 由貴子(合同会社横浜旬・菜・果代表)

(事務局長)市原 秀彦(合同会社横浜旬・菜・果 副代表)





◆特別協賛:㈱京急百貨店、牛頭山 妙法寺

◆寄  付:㈱デリス建築研究所、㈱ルレーブセレモニー、㈱安西石材店、みずほ証券㈱

※本イベントは、令和5年度 観光庁「インバウンドの地方誘客や消費拡大に向けた観光コンテンツ造成支援事業」の採択を受け、幻の杉田梅林 賑い復興“梅のまち杉田”実行委員会(事務局:(同)横浜旬・菜・果)が実施主体として開催いたします。

The 3rd Sugita Plum Festival at Myohoji Temple in Sugita, Isogo-ku, Yokohama!

The 3rd Sugita Plum Festival will be held at Myohoji Temple in Sugita, Isogo-ku, Yokohama City for two days from February 17 (Sat.) to 18 (Sun.), 2024. Sugita, Isogo Ward, Yokohama City.

In Sugita, Isogo Ward, Nobushige Mamiya,the lord of Sugita village during the Tensho era (1573-92), planted many plum trees in this area,  since it was not suitable for farmland. By the 1600s, the number of plum trees had grown to more than 36,000, and the Sugita Plum Grove was known even in Edo as a famous plum grove, attracting many visitors. Hiroshige Utagawa the first depicted the scene of plum blossom viewing in those days in his ukiyoe Sugita Plum Grove、and a few traces of it still remains at Myohoji Temple.

In addition, the plum blossom viewing at Myohoji Temple at that time was widely introduced in the book “JINRIKISHA DAY IN JAPAN” published in 1890 in the U.S. and the U.K. by Ms. Eliza Sidmore, a leading figure of Japan-U.S. friendship also known as the person who donated cherry trees to Washington D.C.

The 3rd Sugita Plum Festival will be held at Myohoji Temple in Sugita, Isogo-ku, Yokohama City for two days from February 17 (Sat.) to 18 (Sun.), 2024. Sugita, Isogo Ward, Yokohama City.

With the aim of utilizing this local resource, the Sugita Plum, to restore the liveliness of Sugita Plum Grove and to revitalize the community, the “Sugita Plum Festival Online Live” was held in February 2022 during the COVID-19 pandemic, with support from the Japan Tourism Agency.

The following year, in 2023, for the first time in 100 years, the Plum Festival was held, which was attended by many people.

And for the 3rd Sugita Plum Festival, we have established an English version of the official Plum Festival website and a smartphone concierge that allows visitors to view the day’s event schedule and performer information in English from their smartphones, so that not only Japanese but also foreigners visiting or living in Japan can enjoy the festival. At the venue on the day of the festival, interpreter guides will explain the history and culture of the Sugita Plum Grove and the highlights of the Plum Festival to foreign visitors.

“Plum Festival Special Tour” led by an English-speaking guide will also be available.

For more information, please refer to the official website and visit the “Plum Town Sugita”.

◆Outline of Sugita Plum Festival  

【Date】 February 17 (Sat.) – 18 (Sun.), 2024 (2 days)

【Main Activities】

1.Plum blossom viewing, including the famous Shidare-ume tree, which was appreciated by Empress Dowager Empress Eisho and Empress Shoken in the Meiji era (1868-1912)

2.Stage events in the precincts of the shrine (singing and dancing by Yokohama Geisha and Satokagura, Japanese drums “wadaiko”, Japanese instrument “shamisen”, and the popular Japanese traditional style ballad “enka”, performances by local elementary school students, and mini-live jazz and band performances)

3.Tea ceremony at the temple’s “Oyasumidokoro” (resting place), experience geisha entertainment and sake served from the barrel

4.Exhibition of the history of Sugita Plum Grove and showing of video clips at Kaizando-Hall

5.The scenic overlook from the top of the mountain depicted from the ukiyoe.

6.Sales of Plum collaboration products at the parking lot stands and various food trucks

【Main Venue] Myohoji Temple: 5-3-15 Sugita, Isogo-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture 

【Access】10 min. walk from Sugita Stn. on Keikyu Line or JR Shin-Sugita Stn.

【Official website (Japanese/English)] https://shunsaika.yokohama/lp/umematsuri/

【Sugita Plum Festival Highlights】https://youtu.be/yczXRsc7Lqs 

【Sugita Plum Festival Smartphone Concierge】https://spot.tabilife.co.jp/#/?h=cVCYSdWQ4zpvvnbRB0Yy 

【Official Instagram (English)】 https://www.instagram.com/sugita.plum.groves/

◆YOKOHAMA Premium Guided Tour of Sugita Plum Festival for foreign visitors and residents in Japan.

【Date & Time】 February 17 (Sat.) – 18 (Sun.), 2024

【Main contents】 This plan allows foreign visitors to enjoy the Sugita Plum Festival with an English-speaking guide. Special monitoring campaign is underway.

【Tour Highlights】

 1. English-speaking guide at the Plum Festival

 2. View the songs and dances of Yokohama Geisha from special viewing seats

 3. Commemorative photo with geisha

 4. Tea ceremony

 5. Sake barrel service

【Time required】2 hours 15 minutes

【Number of people】8 people x 3 times

【Price】2,000 yen per Adult

【Reservations】Please apply through the following website (first-come-first-served basis).


◆Sponsored by: Sugita Plum Grove Executive Committee for “Plum Town Sugita“

◆Special cooperation: Suzukiya₋inc.

◆Special support: Keikyu Department Store, Myohoji Temple

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